Monday, March 29, 2010

The golden or divine ratio defines beauty. Visit: To see how math can even define beauty!

Visit The Golden Ratio for more on the Fibonacci Sequence.

Visit My Pod Cast on Fibonacci Sequences

1 comment:

  1. The Fibonacci Sequence was created by Leonardo of Pisa who was known as Fibonacci. The sequence begins with the numbers 0 and 1. The next number is the sum of the previous two numbers.
    Ex. going up to the 13th number.
    1= 0+1=1
    2= 1+1=2
    3= 2+1=3
    5= 3+2=5
    8= 3+5=8
    13= 8+5=13
    21= 13+8
    34= 21+13=34
    55= 34+21=55
    89= 55+34=89
    144= 89+55=144
    233= 144+89=233

    The Fibonacci sequence can be used to find the golden ratio. The golden ratio is 1,618. This can be achieved through dividing the last number with the previous number. The thirteenth number of the sequence is special. This is because the 13th number and all the numbers after it equals the golden ratio. While under the 13th number is similar results and different ones. The 13th number is 233.

    Below the 13th number: Ex.
    13/8= 1.625
    2/1= 2
    144/89= 1.617977528

    13th number and higher: Ex.
    233/144= 1.618055556
    6765/4181= 1.618033963

    The Fibonacci Sequence and The Golden Ratio has many applications. One includes fibonacci numbers used in nature. Another is used in the human body. A third is with animals. A fourth is used in finanical markets. A fifth is in shapes or figures.

    Mark Soriano
