Saturday, March 20, 2010

Squaring Binomials

Post your rule for multiplying binomial squares, and difference of squares here.


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  3. The rule of difference of Squares is a^2 - b^2. For the square of binomials (a + b)^2.
    Simon Bellido

  4. Again - Your OWN rule constructed from your understanding of the pattern that emerged from class on Thursday.

  5. Square of binomials
    (a + b)^2 or (a - b)^2
    First term = term usually variable squared. It is then added or minus to the second term.
    Second term = result of adding the two product.
    Third term = term usually a number squared

    Difference of Squares
    (a + b)(a - b) or a^2 - b^2
    First term= term usually a variable squared
    second term= zero result of a number added to its inverse
    third term= term usually a number squared
    Mark Soriano
